Home :: Clearance :: Metrang MC1 Arabic Robusta super clean ground coffee 500g

Metrang MC1 Arabic Robusta super clean ground coffee 500g

Metrang MC1 Arabic Robusta super clean ground coffee 500g
SKU SKU36021421
Quantity in stock 3 item(s) available
Weight 0.55 kg
Market price: AUD 20.00
save 50%
Our price: AUD 9.99
Quantity (3 available)
The blend is made from specially selected premium Arabica and Robusta beans for that full flavour punch and typically great for a pick me up in the morning.

Van and I both love the flavour as being typically Vietnamese with high quality arabica and robusta beans for a mellow rich flavoured cup

I love the description on the pack "With all the love, indulgence and zeal , Me Trang was studying to create a product line at MC super clean filter coffee incessantly. Produced in a closed assembly line, clean material area completely. MC coffee's a associate between production and scientists for keeping purely coffee flavour of MC coffee. The effect at MC coffee on reduction cholesterol in blood, stimulate process of metabolism, lessen the danger of cancer.. and bring to you a cheery spirit for a new day."

How can you resist!

i did visit the factory and they are right they are really focussed on giving you super clean coffee with floors you could eat off, masks and hats and special closed off airtight rooms for packaging product.

They have modern clean equipment and close supervision of staff and processes to ensure a quality product all the time with a number of awards to attest to their attention to detail
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