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Archived News - 6

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Trung Nguyen Price rises and $AU down - storm in a coffe cup!
There have been 3 Trung Nguyen price rises since our last container and this combined with the Aussi Dollar going down has meant a price increase for Trung Nguyen coffee from our store.

Now might be the time to try our other Vietnamese coffee's - there have been no price rises for Viet-Coffee products and Indochine coffee products.

Our special offer this time is the Saigon Phin 100g ground coffee for $1 - try some with your next order.

Only available with other coffee purchase. Limited stock of 100g packs but lots of 250g packs if you want more.

Saigon Phin has the real Vietnamese coffee flavour and aroma and all for $1.

Asean Anniversary celebration - Viet-Coffee was there
Consul General Le Viet Duyen cited the flag hoisting ceremony clelebrations of the 40th Anniversary of ASEAN as a show of the solidarity behind efforts to build a sustainable ASEAN community by 2015.

An ASEAN community with a rising international profile will facilitate peace, stability, and prosperity both regionally and globally, Duyen said.

The Vietnamese diplomat also highlighted recent landmarks in Vietnam-Australia relations, mentioning successes spanning economics, politics, education, science and technology, and national defence and security.

Viet-Coffee Australia is one of these successes

On the evening of the same day, ASEAN representative offices in Perth also jointly held a culture and food festival to introduce the specialities of the bloc’s member countries to local friends.

Evening event with cultural dancing and ASEAN regions food – We were there
Record coffee crop expected in Vietnam
Blombergs reports that Vietnam is expecting the second largest harvest in Years. Expected tonnage is 1.6 million metric tons. This is expected to curb previous prices increases that resulted from Vietnamese farmers holding back beans when there was evidence of a drought in March.

Viet-Coffee Australia is still reviewing pricing with the challenging trading conditions with the falling dollar and Trung Nguyen pushing up pricing as they see their local market hold strengthening.

An unprecedented increase in parcels lost has resulted in some shipping charges increasing. We suggest upgrading your order size to take advantage of better pricing and delivery security on larger packs.

Viet-coffee come and see the 4 seasons of Vietnam at the Mandurah Performing Arts Center, Ormsby Terrace, Mandurah WA
An exhibition of stunning paintings on Silk, Rice paper and oil on canvas by Vietnamese artists Dang Can, Tu Quyen, Le Vo Tuan, Lai Thanh Dzung, Bao Hanh, Quoc Dzung, Do Xuan Doan, Le Quan and Mai Long.
This event celebrates the 40th Anniversary of the Establishment of the Diplomatic Relations between Viet Nam and Australia (1973- 2013)
Mayor Paddi Creevey OAM, City of Mandurah and Mr Le Viet Duyen, The Consul General of S R Vietnam to Perth will perform the official opening of the exhibition at Mandurah Performing Arts Center, Ormsby Terrace, Mandurah WA
Official Opening - Sunday 21 July at 4pm - we'll be there
Supplies of G7 3n1, Plain and Gourmet Blend back in stock
New stock arrived

The store is updated - lots of Gourmet blend, Plain black G7, G7 in Sachet and Creative 4

The BBC News last year reported Vietnam as the largest producer of coffee in the world
Out of stock of G7 3n1 2 bag and box try our Cappuccino special
Sorry the demand for G7 has exceeded our expectations so we are out of stock

Try our Special on Cappuccino G7 in Mocha flavour instead

this special pricing until we are out of stock or new supplies arrive - hopefully in about a fortninght

In the 17th century, the first coffee house opened in London known as "penny universities" because a person could buy a cup of coffee for a penny and learn more at the coffee house than in class! The London Stock Exchange grew from one of these coffee houses.
Longevity Milk special
Use the best milk for Vietnamese white coffee - Longevity milk! Great hot or Iced

Special on Longevity when purchased with bulk pack only $1 and no extra shipping

-In Uk an online store sells Longevity Milk for 3 pounds 25 p
Out of stock of G7 3n1 24 sachet to a bag try our 20 sachet to a box instead
Our keen pricing on our G7 range has led us to run out of the bags - we still have stock of the box

$40.99 for 6 x 20 sachet box with shipping

The Expert- Dr. Rob van Dam- Assistant Professor in the Department of Nutrition, Harvard School of Public Health says "Drinking up to six cups a day of coffee is not associated with increased risk of death from any cause, or death from cancer or cardiovascular disease."
Shipping conditions update
Australia post has made it uneconomic for us to ask for a signature on smaller orders so we are giving you the choice - select signature on the shipping page for $2.95 and we will guarantee your delivery even if it is lost or destroyed by Australia Post.

$2.95 signature on delivery and we guarantee delivery

While we are on about shipping and transport - the longest section of straight railway track in the world at 478 kilometres crosses The Nullarbor Plain ( South Australia to Western Australia)
50 hour sale on Cat Nghi Tea
This week ends special is 50% off tea in the Cat Nghi Tea section of the store - the catch is there is no outside packaging and it only last 50 hours

Single use, 50 hours, no outer packaging, coupon code for discount is 'Cat Nghi Tea' (no commas)

Loose tea. Loose tea is, for connoisseurs, the best way to taste tea: the quality of the tea leaves, which are often whole, and not broken up as in tea bags, is often higher, and retains more of their original flavor.
Free shipping on two phin
Here's a reminder on the double up offer on our Stainless Steel phin - buy 2 and save $ on shipping.- go to our Coffee Accessories page and the offer is there or try this link.


Some of our customers have accidentally unsubscribed by clicking on the unsubscribe link in our message - if you do we can fix it for you just drop us a line at our email info@viet-coffee.com.au.

Shipping problem seems to be resolved

Hugh and Van
Get some zing into your life with Viet-Coffee instant Ginger
Try our instant Ginger tea, the flavour sensation for winter. Put some zing into your life!

Viet-Coffee Ginger tea $17.99 for a three pack of 20 sachet - almost enough to see you through the really cold days of winter

Ginger has a wide variety of effects on the human body and is said to be effective for the treatment of cataracts, amenorrhea, heart disease, migraines, stroke, , angina, athlete's foot, colds, bursitis, chronic fatigue, tendinitis, flu, coughs, depression, dizziness, fever, erectile difficulties, infertility, kidney stones, Raynaud's disease, sciatica, and viral infections. It’s on the internet it must be True!! LOL In any case It tastes great and is known to have health benefits.
Price will go back to normal on the week end

Sorry is temporary shipping problem with store - work around is to go to shipping section of store and purchase shipping from there

Indochine Dark 250g x 5 BX1
Still some stock left of the Indochine Dark ground coffee 250g in the BX1

Indochine Dark BX1 pack 5x 250g including shipping $34.99

Italian Espresso Beans 6kg Best before Jan 2013 BX4 pack including shipping $99.99

- Most coffee farmers still pick every coffee cherry by hand. Many bring the coffee cherries to a mill to be processed, but many still spread the cherries to dry and process it on their own.
Longevity Milk three pack
Use the best milk for Vietnamese white coffee - Longevity milk!

Special on Longevity 3 pack when purchased with 3 x 250g coffee only $6.99

- Not available with BX or Bulk packs. $6.99 only until tonight
Indochine Dark and Espresso 250g x 5 BX1 weekend special - finishes Monday Evening
Problems with shipping calculator - resolved - try logging out and logging back in - text 0409642770 if problem persists Regards Hugh & Van
Price of Aluminium Phin to Increase to $3.99 - Stainless phin back in stock
The wholesale price of Aluminum Phin has gone up a ridiculous amount so we will have to put up our price as well. Get in now at the old stock price for a limited time $2.69

Stainless steel phin back in stock as well from under $8

Ready to ship when you order

One acre of coffee trees can produce about a ton of coffee beans every two years. Most coffee is grown on small farms with less than an acre of trees. Robusta coffee produces more and Arabica less.
Australia post increases postage charges after increasing signature charge
shipping price up to reflect the true cost - You can order now and escape the price rise on BX4 Not got there yet!I have put up prices with the BX1 packs and shipping rates first - I am doing it right now for the bulk packs so buy now! It's taking a little longer than I expected - so your favorite may have escaped for a little longer.

Sun Beans and Saigon Espresso may clump together with the humidity in QLD, NT and the top of WA as well as in hot steamy kitchens - don't worry just give them a stir with a chop stick

Viet-coffee exagerates a Postal charge increase its only 295%
Sorry we got it wrong its not a 300% increase in the charge for a signature its 295% Lets put this in context - We ask for a signature to ensure your parcel is more likely to get to you. It used to cost a dollar now this service costs $2.95. We use this service as orders went missing without a signature. Our policy was to replace orders when lost. We get nothing from Australia Post without a signature and we only get the postage back with the signature.

We want to offer good customer service and we want your coffee to get to you. Let us know what you think on our face book page.

Solid colour Pashminas for $19.99 - its not cold yet in Perth but Autumn is the season with winter on the way

Ready to ship when you order

Not All colours up on the site yet ask about our red, light blue pink, olive and aquamarine - ask for a picture and Van can email you one
Germans use about 7 and a bit Kg of coffee per person in a year - In the world the United States use the most coffee
Australia post increases postage charges
After Easter is when Australia post increases it postal charges again.
They have increased the signature charge by 300% - we have to pass this on but will hold off for a month. Order now and save on postage - we will be passing this on. Solid colour Pashminas for $19.99 including shipping still on but this will have to go up as well Ready to ship when you order Not All colours up on the site yet like red, light blue pink, olive and aquamarine - sorry the camera battery went flat and I have been very busy with the BAS but ask for a picture and Van can email you one Robusta coffee bought on the open market is almost all destined for use in instant or powdered coffee. Some will be blended with Arabica and other coffee beans and with Espresso blends to add to the crema
Cold weather coming rug up with a Pashmina
After Easter is when it gets cold - we have been watching with amusement the special offers for pashminas and point you towards our Viet-Coffee special
Viet-Coffee is offering Solid colour Pashminas for $19.99 including shipping even cheaper than the Deal of the Day and Scoupon offers
Limited Quantities ready to ship when you order
Not All colours up on the site yet like red, light blue pink, olive and aquamarine - sorry the camera battery went flat

 There are 65 countries in the world that grow coffee and they are all along the equator.
Easter Rewards - Introduce a friend!
Easter is a great time to share a great coffee with a friend.
Viet-Coffee is offering a special reward for you over Easter in our 'Email a friend' promotion.
Send a recommendation off our site to a friend and if they order and pay you will both get 10% of the order value credited to your rewards point account.
Your friend must identify you in their order for you both to get your rewards points.
Offer for a short time over Easter commencing now.
coffee has been around for over 11 centuries and is currently the most widely consumed beverage in the world? 400 billion plus cups are consumed every year!
Creative 3 now in the 5 pack

Just updated the store with the Creative 3 five pack

On the coffee news front the Huffington post said this "Higher temperatures, longer droughts and more intense rainfalls have brought coffee producers around the globe more resilient pests i.e. coffee berry borer and higher incidences of plant disease i.e. coffee rust. Furthermore, intense water stress associated with vicious droughts in southern Sudan are driving wild coffee plants to extinction, now predicted to occur by 2020. Coffee beans are the second most globally traded commodity next to oil.

The flavorsome Arabica beans account for 70 percent of all coffee consumed, they are highly susceptible to all the symptoms of a warming world. Already, India has seen its coffee production fall by over 30 percent from 2002-2011. And, by the way, from 2010 to 2011 Maxwell House, Yaban and Folgers increased their coffee price by 25 percent while Starbucks increased its coffee price by almost 20 percent in 2011. Researchers from UKs Royal Botanical Kew Gardens predict that as much as 99.7 percent of Arabica growing areas will become unsuitable for coffee plants as temperatures continue to rise in the coming decades.

The 4 pack Viet coffee sample Finished on the site but now on face book Viet-coffee sampler - 4 x 100g coffee posted to your door.

Bargain Beans from $9.16 a pack with shipping

I found 2 cartons of Italian Espresso that had a best before date of Jan 2013, They still make a nice cup.
I have the office Saeco machine set on full flavour, max beans, low temp and ristretto extraction and it's delicious - not bitter and full of flavour.

This is the two pack for $22 delivered

This is the twelve pack for $110.55 delivered

The 4 pack sample is still on for a little longer before it goes full price Viet-coffee sampler - 4 x 100g coffee posted to your door.

Shipping conditions revised. New Sampler pack for Viet coffee ground coffee $10.99 - Half RRP

Dear Customers - Shipping conditions have been revised please see this link.- cut and paste into your browser www.viet-coffee.com.au/xcart/pages.php?pageid=7

Not significant changes but please don't order coffee if it cannot be left (at your risk), received, or collected from your nearby Postal outlet as it will get returned to us in 14 days if not claimed.
Not clear? Please ask - info@vietcoffee.com.au
Viet-coffee sampler - 4 x 100g coffee posted to your door.

Hugh and Van

Click and Send site is back up

Dear Customers - Australia post click and send site is now available after a short down period Hugh and Van

New Legendee now available in Australia

The travellers have returned and the boys went back to school

We are much more contactable now since we returned from Vietanam - apologies to those who found it difficult to contact us - Van is back on her Aussi mobile 0402010916

We brought back with us a special shipment of new improved legendee - sorry I know it sounds trite but Trung Nguyen have re-branded and improved the quality and increased the exculsivity we have been trying for over a year to get our hands on this special coffee - unfortunately at a price As of Sunday Eve 24 Feb we have sold half our stock of this special coffee

We are also still developing our Facebook page - there is a little there at the moment and we will be adding as time goes on

New Legendee with free shipping for a short time - Just under $90 for 250g

Viet-coffee on facebook, New improved Legendee arriving soon.
Travel tip in Vietnam – Although a reputed 5 million people from HCM return to the country side at TET that still leaves another 5 million behind.

It appears the Vietnamese don't come out en-mass until later in the day. We visited the city centre Wednesday night and I was expecting the city to be quiet - what a mistake!! Right in the city centre some of the streets were closed for all sorts of bands to beat their drum. Very colourful, lively and noisy.

Had a fantastic street restaurant dinner outside Binh Than markets with friends and had lots and lots of tasty food and a kilo of very tasty BBQ prawns with dinner costing less than $15 per head including drinks.

We escaped the throngs to the Caravelle roof top bar - not cheap by Vietnamese standards (probably good by Aussi Standards) and we had a bottle of whisky to share with friends and had very entertaining music.

Special TET offer – still on - buy coffee get a Trung Nguyen Aluminum phin. See previous news for complicated instruction or just ask for it in the comments section of the order (conditions apply)

Breaking news - New improved legendee the coffee of hero's is coming - new blend new price - pricing should be up by next week - see our teaser on Facebook. Vietcoffee Vietnamese Coffee and Tea on Van Collin's page

Free Phin and travel tip
Travel tip in Vietnam – Travel Vietnam at Tet and be amazed at the sights. If in Saigon be impressed by the Fireworks, the May Trees, the pink peach trees and the masses of cumquat trees and red and yellow chrysanthemums

Expect the city to be very busy in the week leading up to Tet as Vietnamese families prepare, cleaning and painting and buying new things for their homes.

Country travel may be a little slower with families trying to get home. Many of the shops including the markets close for a couple of days on the eve and Lunar New Years Day. But being Vietnam many are keen to do business to keep afloat.

This means that this is an ideal opportunity to explore the City centre without the pressing throngs.

Special TET offer – Only for a fortnight buy coffee add a Trung Nguyen Aluminum phin to the cart and at check out add the code ‘FreeTNphin’ and get a free Phin. Limited numbers, one phin per customer, expires in a fortnight.
If you have any problems with the code - just leave us a note in the customer notes section of the order or send us an email so we can fixt it up!
Another Travel tip in Vietnam
Travel tip in Vietnam – The South of Vietnam is hot or hot and wet, The North of Vietnam has 4 seasons that are the reverse of us in the southern hemisphere. Check out the weather via the internet as to what the weather is likely to be.

When we went to Hanoi (not well planned) in the Aussi Summer we had to buy second hand jackets from the local markets to keep warm. Leave light and buy some clothes while you are away – no need to rush out the first day.

Van buys me An Phuc shirts from Parkson shops near the Airport in HCM – they had a 50% off sale, they weren’t cheap but they are very good quality and about $25 - $30 each for short sleeve. The current poor economic conditions have provoked the special sale pricing.

Talking about special – we have added a Creative 1 through to 5 BX1 pack with shipping at special pricing for the first 10 boxes – the price will go up by 10% when these are gone.

Still not sorted out the new pricing of the 2 phin with shipping - they will go up by at least 10% to 15% get in now before I sort out the new pricing.

Van and Hugh's travel tips to Vietnam - Phin x 2 with shipping price increase
Travel tip in Vietnam - Have the address of the destination in Writing - this includes the Ward and District - get a good map of the part of Vietnam you are going to - Be prepared to get out of the taxi if the driver doesn't look like he knows what destination you want and find another that seems to know.

This comes from personal experience when I was travelling with Amy and Jake and not Van. I pronounced the street correctly and gave the correct district and gave the name of a major shopping center at the end of the street, The driver kept on saying the wrong street - so I got out and with Vans help got one that understood.

On another matter Van has been telling me off for a while about the price of the 2 phin with shipping - they will have to go up so get in now before I sort out the new pricing.